Thursday, January 12, 2006

Something I Stumbled On...

I know that the Star Wars Kid hails from the year 2003, but today was the first time I had heard of him and seen this video and damn it's great to watch for a laugh. Doing a little more reading and jumping around on various websites related to Ghyslain (the Star Wars Kid) he received some really positive comments from people and some not-so-nice comments on his 're-enactment.'

All of us has done something silly and embarassing in what we would assume is a private moment. I've tried to do stupid dumbass dances ("the running man") to stupid dumbass songs and look like a monkey when I do them. I also like to pretend I know how to sing - that is until the cat leaves to the silence of the basement or my three year old daughter says "Mommy, enough!"

Whatever anyone says - this kid is cool and has a great attitude for having one of those private moments video taped and uploaded to the internet. Have a look and have a chuckle!

2 Comments, Screams & Rants:

At January 12, 2006 11:39 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Along the same lines, have you seen the Numa Numa kid? Adorable! Unfortunately, both of these young men have had to put up with comments from small-minded idiots. I guess those people can't find pleasure in the freedom of singing in the car at the top of your lungs, or dancing like an idiot...or running like Phoebe ;)

Great blog, Les :)

At January 13, 2006 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay I checked out the Numa Numa kid and it's damn funny...really shouldn't do this at work - gonna get me in trroooouble hehe :)

If anyone wants to feel really goofy there's always the "Carleton" (Fresh Prince) or the "Elaine Dance" (Seinfeld) hehe.


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