Who Likes To Read?

I read all kinds of genres - supernatural seems to have caught my interest lately - but here is a run down of some of my favourite authors:
Kelley Armstrong
Laurell K Hamilton
Jim Butcher
Kim Harrison
JD Robb
Nora Roberts
Janet Evanovich
Piers Anthony -- Incarnation of Immortality Series
Dean Koontz
Rachel Caine
This list is by no means exhausted - I could probably go on forever naming authors from years past who I've read but these are the authors I currently follow - or a handful of them anyway. As soon as something's published by them, I gotta read it!
Now if only I could get my husband to understand why I love to read so much. He's not much of a reader - he is quite specific in what he'll sit down and read - and that's limited to true-life accounts of paramedics, police men, firemen or rescue missions (ie: Krakauer's books, etc). I don't care how much or little he reads so long as he pretends to read when our daughter is around, because if nothing else, she will grow up loving books and loving to read!!
6 Comments, Screams & Rants:
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let's try this again...duh.
I love reading too. Right now, I'm reading The Chronicles of Narnia again...the movie release reminded me how much I loved Narnia when I was younger.
From your list, I think I'll check out Kelley Armstrong. I haven't heard of that series before - looks like a fun read.
Have you read any of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon?
Also, speaking of reading, if you want some tips for Challenge 10 click here ;) I love google fights, lol.
Thanks for the tip :P I did check that out or one similar to it earlier when I was compiling my list - I wanna kick some ass this challenge ;) Hehe.
As for the Narnia series - it's been forever since I've read that - I really should pick it up again. I don't even own it, which surprises me, really.
Kelley Armstrong is a great write - fast read, not too outlandish and pretty fun. Hamilton is a good author too but her books are full of some explicit sex and if you're not into that, well, stay away :P
Rachel Caine is very intersting too - her weather warden series.
Great work!
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