Sunday, January 22, 2006

Daycare Mayhem

Alright, so in follow up to shitting on me the other day, I've made the decision to move my daughter to a new daycare. After some discussion with the (using this word verrrrry liberally) "teachers" at our current child care center we determine that the change in behaviour started when they decided to integrate the three year olds with the five year olds.

In itself this seems like not a bad idea as far as getting the younger kids used to interacting with older kids - but it was a permanent thing. So when the five year olds need to sit down for half an hour and do seat work (whatever it may be), they expected the three year olds to be able to sit quietly for that length of time.

Anyone who knows anything about three year olds knows that a typical child's attention span should be at minimum two minutes for every year of age...meaning three year olds should be expected to be able to concentrate on their task at hand for 6 minutes and some kids may be able to go longer upwards of 15 minutes.

Now, my daughter is very high energy and 10 minutes is about her limit for some things. For example, she doesn't enjoy coloring for 20 minutes at a time (and neither do I, so thank goodness for that!!)...but this would get her in trouble because she'd get out of her seat looking for something more interactive to engage herself in.

I found out the following day that they placed her in the two year old room permanently where all she does is play all day - comes home bored because half the kids in there at too young to even walk - and well doesn't get to do letters or songs or games like she did in her other class. So I'm pissed. I'm actually quite beyond pissed and upset about it. And I figure so screw em, and I'll be interviewing three new places on Monday to see where a better fit might come in.

I considered quitting work and staying home full time...and as much as I'd like to have that time with McKenze, I also want to work - I need that interaction with my co-workers and I am starting to really love my job. And really, McKenzie enjoys going to "school" it is a good fit for our family.

2 Comments, Screams & Rants:

At January 25, 2006 11:04 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Any luck on a new daycare, Les?

At January 25, 2006 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES! :) We went and checked out two places early this week and one just bowled me over. They were VERY impressive - credentials, structure, programs, etc next Monday we'll be starting at the new one (H.C.). Gonna be rough going I'm sure for a couple weeks, but I'm trying my best to prep my daughter for "new friends" and "new teacher" far she seems keen. Hehe. Thanks for asking.


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