So who made the rules, anyway?
Do you ever drive around and think - geez, who came up with the idea of a four-way stop and how did they convince everyone way back before "laws" to follow the idea of stopping and waiting for someone else to go first?
I was driving today and wondered who decided that we should drive on the right side of the road instead of the left - and why does Australia and Europe have to be different from us? What makes one way better then the other way?
Was there ever revolts back in the horse and buggy days against some of the rules of the road? I might've wondered who the hell made Mr. "Rules of the Road" the deciding factor on how my horse should pull my cart...and here we are however many years later, following the same rules, albeit with a few adjustments here and there - and well, electricity. The whole red/yellow/green was pretty smart - if people understood what red/yellow/green means.
Nowadays many people think red means "stop....if you feel like it" -- so many way back when, the four-way-stop had the same problem...granted most people don't know what a four-way-stop is now either, so that problem hasn't ever been solved. One of life's mysteries, right?
Anyway, my daughter - four years old - is a little smart ass..meant in a nice way, of course. She goes to me "Mom, you clean up my mess because it's the Mom's job to clean and my job to make the mess." WHAAAAAA?? Where in the heck did she learn that rule? All weekend I listened to "Mom, you did it, it's YOUR job." Oh boy, did she learn how wrong she was. Yeesh.
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