Friday, January 27, 2006

What's with the Crows?

Every morning as I drive to work I think probably EVERY crow in Charlottetown starts to head out of town towards Cornwall (along the highway kinda). I always spot them along Maypoint Road flying overhead - and when I say every crow, I really mean EVERY crow - there are hundreds of them. I have never seen crows fly in flocks like that - and like clockwork no less - same time nearly everyday. And when I come home from work, about 50% of the time I see them returning to town.

Is there like a crow convention in the morning? Garbage eaters anonymous or something? They're really just wierd.

And yesterday there were three crows chasing a baby fox through my backyard (and I live in town)...the fox was gorgeous - the crows...just are kinda freaking me out a little. Anyone see "The Birds"?

2 Comments, Screams & Rants:

At January 27, 2006 10:08 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

I's freaky. And it's not all of 'em either, lol. On the way home from work I see hundreds of them heading towards their roost in Victoria Park. Don't know how far they range, but I can tell you they come from as far as Hazelbrook :)

At January 27, 2006 5:30 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Yeah, just hang around Fanningbank in the morning or evening to see a big murder of them.


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