Friday, March 17, 2006

Nicky Nicky Nine Doors

Have you ever been so furious that you end up talking to yourself and getting yourself even more worked up? That's what I tend to do when I get spittin mad, and let me tell you - I'm there right now and damn I'm just so pissed.

What is it with kids or teens who get off playing Nicky Nicky Nine Doors on a strangers house? The first time, I told them to take off or I'll call the police. The second time I happened to see them "sneaking" up (and no, they're not all to stealth) and opened the door before they could knock. I subsequently followed them to the house where they were staying the night (there's about eight 12 year old girls) and knocked on their door.

The older brother answers (they live across the street) and play dumb "I dunno who you're talking about." Well buddy, it's your sister, Amy, and she's harassing the wrong person.

Amy popped her head out from behind her house where her and her (again, not so stealthy) giggling little girlfriends were hiding for fear of the wrath of ME falling down upon them and says "Look, I can't control my friends." Well...then go play somewhere else - but if you happen to come upon my property again, the police will be coming to yours and you can explain to THEM how you can't control your little friends.

Okay, so there were a couple "F" words thrown in there because, like I said, I was spitting mad. I mean, seriously, I've been trying to get my 3 year old to sleep for the past half hour - and loud pounding knocks on the doors not only freak me out, but they disturb her too. GRRR.

So, by going there, I think I have likely just ordered a "wake up call" from the little S-H-I-T-S for midnight at which time the police WILL come and pay them a visit. The thing is, there's no point in having the police go over when their parents aren't home to supervise, ya know? What good is it gonna do? ARGH - what would you have done? Did I lose it over nothing?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Yes, I Am Alive!

Okay, so I have dropped off the face of the earth - and quite literally feel like I have. These past few weeks have seemingly been quite busy - although when I look back to remember what I've done, I can't really pin down any one great accomplishment!!

I did go to the home show this past weekend. It was pretty good. Hubby and I were addicted to the home show back in Alberta and never missed them - even though we never had the money or opportunity to put any of the people in the booths to work!

But, we did go and talked it up with a few landscaping companies because boy oh boy does our yard need some work!! I want to put a hedge border type thing in because fences aren't really liked much - and I'm not sure that I want one - that might change in a few months though - who knows. And I want a big freakin' tree that has red blooms or leaves - there are these BEAUTIFUL trees in Grande Prairie in Swanavon (older part of town) that I want here - so I need to find out what they are and see if they'll live here alright...if so, I'm getting me one!

And then I wanna put in some perennials and a few annuals ... simple, non-labour intensive, can grow without me, type plants - because I am not good at the gardening thing - I get lazy and as much as I don't want to be lazy about it, I need to be realistic and know that by July I'm not gonna want to be breaking my back doing wierd things to the plants.

Anyway, that's my quick blurby for now - will put a couple posts in over the next week or so...things are getting back to normal (although I'm not too sure what normal is...usually is good though!!).