Monday, April 10, 2006

What Do They Say About Me?

Do you ever listen to your co-workers gossiping or talking trash about another co-worker who isn't around at that time...and then snicker about some shared animosity they feel towards that person? I hear it on a daily basis and it makes me wonder when I call in sick or am out of the office for whatever reason what smack they're saying about me. I'd love to be a bug on the wall one day...although if I knew the crap they potentially said about me, I might not be so nice the next day and that doesn't make for very pleasant working relationships, does it?

1 Comments, Screams & Rants:

At April 10, 2006 9:29 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

You probably don't want to know, lol! If they're talking about everyone else, they're talking about you too. That's just the way it is. Personally, I don't give a rat's ass...but I know some people who are bothered to distraction by it.

I've worked in provincial government and now work the private sector...and gov't was wayyyy worse in the catty factor than the job I'm in now.


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