Monday, June 11, 2007

Thanks Stockwell.

So word is that Stockwell Day (and whomever else was in on the decision making) has agreed to fix the eroding bank at Mom's house and one other on Kerr St to the tune of almost half a million each - holy crap! That's a joke, right?

They're going to back fill the yard with lots of boulders and rock and graval to give it some stability and then Mom can topsoil and sod at her expense when she chooses to.

You know what's really funny though? My Dad asked them over 30 years ago if he could backfill with rock at his expense and they said "Absolutely Not!", then after Dad died, my Mom (about 28 years ago) asked if she could backfill with rock at her expense and guess what? They said "Absolutely Not!" now am I shedding a tear at them having to blow a budget on this project now? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Terrace Flood

New Property Line Along the Bank (10 ft from where it used to be)

Pig Apple Tree

Looking towards the Backyard. There used to be a huge daisy garden with a white picket fence and lawn ornaments in the top left corner.

Backyard (taken from on the deck)

So many people are aware of the major floods going throughout BC...I am from a town in Northwestern BC called Terrace - where my Mom and Aunt still live in the same home I was raised in. This house is situated on the Skeena River - granted it's placed well off from the banks and there has never been a flood or water seepage from the river - it's a great home.

This past week, it has been in danger of being destroyed. It's hard living in PEI because I have to rely on what others are telling me as fact when it may be exaggerated or inaccurate. My Mom and Aunt are out of town on a holiday - which is now extended indefinately as they can't get back home - the roads are closed due to mudslides and highway washout. What a headache!

Anyway, dozens of people from my mom's church and school and countless friends came out two days ago and emptied the house completely - garage too! There's not a thing left in that, worse case scenario - the house goes - but at least they still have their sentimental stuff and comforts. Sigh.

Here are some pics a friend took yesterday. The two main trees in the pictures are our Cherry Tree and "Pig" Apple Tree (we call it that because the apples on that tree are only good enough to be fed in a pigs slop...but it's pretty). The bank is undercut so much that apparently the cherry tree is being held up only by the little bit of sod and dirt between it and the river - the root system is totally exposed underneath. Sigh..bye bye cherries.

Plus side of losing all our trees (more then a dozen along the banks) is that Aunty won't have to fight the tent caterpillars anymore - woohoo!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

So I've gone and done it!

Yep, I did it...I joined a karate class. My family (mainly Brian) thinks I'm crazy - and I half agree because at 30 years old, karate isn't something I thought I'd be trying...painting, photography, something more sedentary would be more up my alley. But I really had this pull to try this class. It's an adult beginner's class that focuses of fitness, karate stances, punches & kicks. And last night was my first class. I loved it. Yes, it kicked my ass...yes, I'm way out of shape and should give my head a good shake and yes, I will go back next week. If nothing else, it'll give me a great workout a couple times a week, right!? So what's it gonna hurt (aside from every muscle in this body of mine!)?!