Well it's been a loooong time since I've written on here. I haven't felt much like blogging, and who knows if this one post will lead to more. But let me just say - I've started work again after a year off maternity leave and it has been baptism by fire! It took me over an hour to login to the computer - having to reload program after program after program (yawn)...figure out what my passwords are - having to get them reset, because heaven help me I can't remember my password from a year ago!
Tell me it only gets better...I don't remember how long it takes to get better, but here it is, Thursday, and I have been coming to work everyday this week thinking it was already Friday (sigh)...makes for a VERY long week.
Last night was Halloween...oooohhh spoooky. McKenzie was transformed into Princess McKenzie (pictures to come later) and Emily was Tigger (a la Winnie-the-Pooh). Of course, Emily stayed home with me and helped hand out candy, being one and all I didn't think it was kosher for her to go trolling for candy at the neighbours house. BUT McKenzie hit the mother load of great candy houses! I don't remember ever getting full size chocolate bars and chips and all that crap - it was always gum and suckers and little mini chocolate bars...which is what I give. But my baby came home with a dozen big bars and lots of other crap. Needless to say, we're going to have to ration it big time unless we want a three month long sugar high (no thanks!).
CBC had a lady talking about setting up a "Halloween Store" where the kids could trade their candy in (use it like money) for books or toys, that kinda thing. SO, I may hit the dollar store and pick up a few things and do something similar...or I'll just do what I do every year and slowly start to sneak things out of her bag and put them in my hiding spot to give out over the course of the next few months as "treats" (aka bribes) that kinda thing.
Okay, well that' sit for now - I'm at work as I write this, and that is very bad for productivity. C'est la vie - it's Friday! Oh no, wait...it's Thursday. F$%&!