Monday, April 02, 2007

I'm sick - really really sick

I have a bug - it's called the "scrapbooking bug" - and I caught it from my sister during her visit here. I did not realize it was as contagious as it is...I had it once, a couple years ago when I first started scrapbooking...and then I went into remission. And now I've got it again - and apparently, everytime you get "it", it becomes less and less supposedly I'm considered a "lost cause." The following NUMEROUS pictures are a result of this illness...some aren't half bad I think. Most of you won't care about this, as I'm posting these pics mostly for my sister to see what she's done to me...but if you scrapbook, maybe you'll get an idea here - and if you don't (see any ideas or anything you like), please leave me an idea or two because I hit roadblocks - a's called "scrappers block" - like writer's block, only much much more serious.

So go here to see the pics:

1 Comments, Screams & Rants:

At April 04, 2007 3:53 AM, Blogger Gregory said...

I don't know if I can continue reading your blog now that you are SICK! I will come back in a month or two and check if things are back at a healthy level.


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