Jack Frost Nipping at Your Nose

This weekend was the 2nd Annual Jack Frost Festival in Ch'town and I must say it was interesting. We tried to go Friday night and it was SO packed that we waded our way through calf-deep water to listen to some music with our daughter and then packed it in and walked back to the car...the weather was so mild that day that everything was melting (cue the Wicked Witch of the East "I'm melting...I'm melting...").
Saturday we were going to go because there were a few kid shows that McKenzie would have enjoyed but it was SO cold with the 70+km/hr winds that we decided to wait til Sunday and hope that the wind died down a little.
So today has come - Sunday - THE last day and we have no choice but to make use of the tickets and try to enjoy it. We got bundled up and trudged our way to the festival - and thank goodness it was quite quiet. Someone noted to me that most of the out of towners leave on Sunday so it's not as busy - plus there's the church crowd that wasn't around, so it was mellow and just how I like things. We got to walk through the ice castle and see some sculptures but no where could we find our main attraction - Franklin!!
We searched for what seemed like forever (about 15 minutes) - asked the garbage men where he was - they weren't sure if he was a turtle or their boss...so we asked someone else who mentioned that the act was moved indoors (thank the Good Lord!)..but it would have been nice to have announced that - posted notices and noted it on the "newflash" part of their website that we are suppose to check before coming in for updates - so updates kinda sucked...but we made it...and Kenzie loved it along with the 300 other kids there.
Here are a couple pics - not too clear, but you get the jist.