Screaming Quietly
You're probably thinking if you're going to scream, do it loudly, right? But really, if you scream quietly and bulge your eyes out just right you're a helluva lot more freaky!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Emily's First Party

Yesterday I took Emily to my Christmas party for work. I figured it'd be a safe place to go...not too rowdy...good friends and great food. It started off well - we arrived about fifteen minutes early - plenty of time to unbundle and get settled before the swarm around the baby started (you know it's gonna happen).
So I sat down - looked around the room and realized I knew no one. Wow...they must've had A LOT of new hires since I left last month on Mat Leave. So I waited a minute and everyone started to dish up at the buffet. Still, none of my friends were there. I then realized (duh) that I was at the wrong party. Emily and I officially crashed our first Christmas party.
We went to the front desk of the hotel and asked where our group was - apparently I was at the wrong hotel. Sigh. So I called to work and managed to find someone who advised me the party was rebooked elsewhere - no one told me - thanks guys!
We high tailed it like a couple of flying reindeer to the new location at the Racino. Got there, Emily was scooped up by one person while I ate and was then passed around from person to person to person for about three hours. She was an angel and didn't make a fuss at all until shortly before we left.
Good time had by all and a great lunch!!
This outfit was picked out by Brian because we all know he's the shopper of the family. Not bad taste, eh?
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
McKenzie's First Christmas Concert
We had a lot of fun yesterday at McKenzie's first Christmas Concert. She played a little shy with Santa - but other then that, she had a great time as did her Dad, Emily and I.
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Yikes - it's snowing. Winter is really here - or on its way. Living in PEI is a tease - I always expect to have oodles of snow by now and freezing temperatures - but no, we have fallish weather and it's middle of December. Now, I'm not complaining, except that I always end up with this stupid expectation that maybe, just maybe, we won't get winter this year and I won't have to freeze my ass off!! Yeah, good freaking luck :)
So it's snowing, it snowed and my daughter hit it this morning for about oh...fifteen minutes before coming in crying because her hands were frozen. "Yes dear, when you take off your mittens, your hands are going to freeze. Nothing a little armpit warmth won't cure." Hehe. All she could say was "Ewww".