Monday, February 19, 2007

Cry cry cry cry cry cry...Ima gonna lose it!

Okay...quick post - but it won't be pretty. How can someone so cute (IMO, of course) cry cry cry the whole damn day away? She won't sleep during the day (although, she gets 12+ hours at night)...but she's MISERABLE all day because she won't sleep without me rocking, feeding, soothing her. Yes I know - I enabled this nap-time behaviour, and take the full blame. But why can't it be just as easy to break the bad habit??!!! I'm tired, Em's tired, we're both cranky (I'd say crabby, but according to Kenz, 'crabby' lives at the beach...hmm).

Someone, give me some sound advice on how to fix this puhhhhleeeeaaassseee!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

It's Pissing Me Off. Seriously.

Quit using the word "seriously"! Where did this terrible word usage come about? It's worse then 'whatever' or 'like you know'...good Lord, please please stop using it! SERIOUSLY!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Shout Out to Reel Film

My buddy over in London has started up a film company called Reel Film. This is a shout out to him and the company as they get their feet wet in the big wide world of the film industry.

Basically the objective of the company is to offer actors the opportunity to do some screen work in order to develop a film portfolio to offer to prospective directors/producers as part of an audition or attempt at landing an audition. The concept is ingenius really and I wish Reel Film the best of luck as they venture forth. There's quite an intensive and involved package that is developed with the actor.

There are some film clips that have been developed to showcase the Reel Film team's work. I quite enjoyed them, Greg. Thanks!